Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden really dead?

Osama Bin Laden death may increase terror attacks

The recent death of Osama Bin Laden may be a psychological victory for America. However those in Al Queda and Hamas may use Osama's death as a rallying cry against America, the west and Israel. Terror attacks could greatly increase in the coming days, weeks and months. With current Mideast instability in Iran, Iraq, Israel, Gaza and Libya the chances of extreme upheaval with renewed terror attacks directed at Israel and America Al Queda should be expected and prepared for.

Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead. Check your news outlets for updates.
Here are some pictures of Osama Bin Laden dead body. 


These are the real photos.

If you have not yet heard the president's speech Osama Bin Laden was killed in a fire-fight. The M-16A2 bullet to the forehead is consistent with the damage of these bullets.

These bullets are designed to tumble and ricochet inside the body after penetration to cause more damage. All military personnel know this fact.

Al-Qaeda: Arabic: القاعدة‎, al-qāʿidah, "the base" or "the database"), alternatively spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida, is a militant Islamist group founded sometime between August 1988 and late 1989. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad.

Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, most notably the September 11 attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. in 2001. The U.S. government responded by launching the War on Terror. Al-Qaeda has continued to exist and grow through the decade from 2001 to 2011.

Let see...
The photos above are an elaborate hoax. They were done by graphic professionals in 2006 during another hoax. My reason for posting them here is to highlight a serious hoax concerning Obama's long form birth certificate just released a few days ago in April 2011. But before I give you the link to that post here lets talk about the Osama Bin Laden's hoax death pictures. How do we know they are a hoax pictures?

First the obvious.

1.) Osama Bin Laden looks like he did nearly ten years ago except for the photo shop eye injuries. He has not aged.

2.) Death even on tanned skin begins to produce a non natural discoloration of the skin in just a few hours.

3.) The eye injury is consistent with a partial eye blow out from an M16-A2 bullet ricochet in the interior of the skull. However usually the eye will close with coagulated blood, not always but usually. Also if you look closely at the eyes you will see straight lined eye slits. This is possible because eyes when blown out will stretch the skin to produce this effect. In this case however the slits are just too straight and the whites of the eye are just too white. If you save the small picture of Obama and blow it up 100 percent, using the PAINT tool of windows then you will clearly see it has been photo shopped.

4.) Lastly is there a stock photo that exists with these features especially the mouth. Yes there is and you will see it just below.

In this image above made from a blow up from paint it still looks almost believable. That is because the Paint program of windows deals with images at very high resolution bitmap level. When I saved the blown up version of the eyes, it feathered the image and blended the pixels.

However if you take the original photo and open it in paint and then use the large zoom setting you will know for sure if is fake. A very good fake, but a fake nevertheless. Paint is one of the oldest most underestimated and powerful graphics tools for uncovering hoax's in photos ever made. And most of you already have it, free of charge. I guess windows should have named it something other than Paint. Hoax buster.

Now for the Birth Certificate issue. The White House released a PDF file copy of Obama' long form birth certificate just a few days ago. (Apr. 2011) It is available for download from the White House for anyone wanting a copy. The White house says this birth certificate is a scanned copy of the original. OK, lets take the White House's on their word for that. If they told the truth then the PDF file would contain only 1 layer for the document. Yet this birth certificate has nearly fifty layers.

When you assemble documents, edit documents, or create forms in PDF you will have multiple layers. Until you lock and then flatten the layers. For some reason the White House did not flatten the layers before releasing Obama's birth certificate. What may have happen is they released the working copy rather than the finished flattened layer copy. A big mistake or A CERTIFAGATE if you will.

A scanned birth certificate will only produce a one layer PDF document even if you don't lock and flatten the layers. So the White House has lied first of all. Second of all the birth certificate is obviously forged and assembled. It has nearly 50 layers.

Now before I give you the link to the videos and images keep in mind that I'm not attacking democrats or Obama because he is a democrat. I was completely against Bush's lies as well and my purpose in this post is to try reach across to you as a fellow American and show you what my concern is, as well as many others. I'm tired of corruption and lies and the cover ups coming from the White House. It no longer has anything to do with party and everything to do with being an honest American.

The globalist's would prefer having republicans, independents and democrats fighting and bickering among ourselves. This so we will ignore them and what they are doing, which will be catastrophic for America if not stopped soon. So suspend your pre-dispositions for a moment and seriously watch the videos located at the link below. Watch them as an American, not as a democrat or a republican. Be suspicious but be honest, learn about PDF documents, Adobe illustrator after watching these videos. Be a detective looking for facts, not just the points of view from a supporter. Understand the arguments and the points based on what is possible with graphic tools and what is not. If you do that then you shall understand.